
This is a bit of a delayed posting, but this summer I had the opportunity to participate in the medical student teaching competition at Emory University, with my coach Dr. […]

Devenons Parisiens

Many college admissions decisions are coming out this week, and my brother was in need of distraction and divine intervention. So we looked up at the horizon and saw the […]

Déjà vu, mais en nuit

Paris sparkles with a different light at night. Especially when your friend is willing to pull over the car at random intersections for the best view. Even selfies become easier […]


It rained today. Unlike in Spain, here the rain stays mainly in plain sight no matter where you go. So we did what the royalty of old did when the […]

The trailer for Episode VII looks great! Star Wars has always been about avant-garde special effects and graphics, and I’m excited to see what they can do in 2015. That […]

My chips stuck in the vending machine

The chips are stuck in the hinge at the bottom of the vending machine. No amount of shaking could get them out. Q Level, MSE Library, 11:50pm, October 17, 2010.